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Part 1     Part 2

Lazarus is Dead, and I am Glad

John 11



Once upon a time a family lived in Bethany of Judea.  They were not a typical family.  They were siblings, 3 of them, 2 sisters and a brother.  Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.  Likely, their parents had passed away, and this was the family home they had inherited.


This family was very close to Jesus, who spent a lot of time in their home, just 2 miles from Jerusalem.  It seems apparent that Jesus would use their home sometimes as a headquarters, staying there by night, and ministering by day. 


John recorded 7 of Jesus' miracles.  The first was a wedding, and this is the last, a funeral.  The first was in the midst of gladness and the last, sadness. 


vv. 14-15 is the startling statement from which we get our title today.  Let's look now at this family's suffering, their sorrow, and their Savior.



1.     Dearness.

Lazarus is very sick, and his sisters know that Jesus can help, but He's in a place some 20 miles away.  They sent a messenger to Jesus.

v. 3  'lovest' is the Greek word for affection.

v 5   'loved' is agape, the highest form of love.  It is 'God love'.

        This family is very near and dear to Jesus, and they are suffering.


Nearness and dearness to Jesus doesn't make us immune to suffering.  I am near Him.  You are dear Him.  And yet we are still held by gravity to a cursed rock, covered in sin and consequences.  Being a believer doesn't exempt you from problems.  Becoming a Christian isn't the end of problems...if it is, it's the FRONT end!  But now you have somebody to help you with your problems.


Some preach that if you are right with God, you will never be sick.  That if you are sick, you simply don't have enough faith.  That's not only dead wrong, it's a despicable lack of compassion. 


Could Jesus have prevented Lazarus from becoming sick?  Of course.  But it was allowed for the glory of God [v. 4]


ill.--The Apostle Paul had a couple of helpers in the ministry.  One was names Erastus, the other Trophimus. 

2 Timothy 4:20
Erastus abode at Corinth: but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.

        He had given his life to serve God, but he got sick.

Paul's young protege, Timothy, is another example.  Paul told him how to medicate his...

1 Timothy 5:23
... often infirmities.

Our souls have been redeemed, but our bodies have not yet. 


Believers can get sick for different reasons:

*Deterioration-sin takes it's course, as does time.  It's the 2nd law of thermodynamics...things don't wind up but rather wind down.  Things don't gain energy but lose it.  Things aren't getting better, but worse.  Each of us is closer to death today than ever before in our lives! 

        We don't stop aging when we get saved.  If we did, I would look 6, instead of 25!

*Dissipation-we give away our health when we eat wrong and don't exercise.  The laws of nature impact us the same as lost people.  Our bodies are God's temple, and we ought to respect His temple!

*Development-maybe God is trying to do something in your life.  He can use a sickness to get our attention, like He did with Paul [2 Cor. 12].  He was out of control, out of line, and was humbled for service in the hands of God by his thorn in the flesh. 

*Discipline-In 1 Cor. 11 God corrected some with sickness for not treating the Lord's Supper with respect, and there are several other examples of such in Scripture, OT and NT.

        The first of those is the most likely for you, so don't ever judge someone who is sick, only judge yourself.


There are no gates so high and imposing as to shield the believer from the problems of life.  The rain falls on the just and the unjust.  Job said that if you are born of woman, your days will have trouble.




2.     Delay.

The M&M sisters did the right thing, they took their problem to Jesus.  They didn't try to fix it themselves, which is what we often do.  I don't like the phrase, "All we can do is pray."  I know what we mean by that...that we've exhausted all human resources...but prayer is not our last resort, it ought to be our first impulse.

"I must tell Jesus, I cannot bear my burdens alone."


The sisters did what we should do, take it to Jesus.

Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

He may seem absent, but He is present, very present!


ill.--in WWI, a wounded soldier lay on the battlefield.  His best friend, Jim, was in the trench.  He asked his C/O if he could go fetch his friend.  The answer was no...too dangerous.  But Jim was very insistent, and persuaded the officer.  Under heavy fire he ran the rescue, and he himself was wounded.  His buddy died anyway.  "Was it worth it?" asked the C/O. "Yes, because when I got to him he was still alive, and he said to me, 'Jim, I knew you'd come.'"

        When we are in trouble, we can look to the Lord, and we'd better know He will come for us!


Now, Jesus may not answer the way we want Him to.  And notice that the sisters didn't tell Jesus what to do.  They just asked Him to come.  And He may not come WHEN you want, but it WILL be in His perfect timing. 


Jesus loves Lazarus, so in our minds, we imagine Him dropping everything and chartering the fastest burrow money can buy.  But that's not what happened.  There was a delay...


v.6   Then it's gonna take another travel day once He finally leaves.  Can you imagine how perplexing this is to the ladies?  They ask the messenger, where is He?  "I don't know!"  They ask, "What did Jesus say?"


v. 4  One problem:  Lazarus DID die.  Did Jesus get it wrong?  No.  Jesus didn't say he wouldn't die, but rather that death wouldn't be the final word of the matter.  Praise God, we can say the same.  My death may be fatal, but it won't be final! 

        Just as Jesus conquered death for Himself He did it for us as well.  He is the firstfruits of the resurrection...and WE are the fruit!  Jesus is the prototype for converting death into life, and then He started up mass production for us!


Jesus has power over demons and cast them out with a word.

Jesus has power over disease and with just a word ailments vanished.

Jesus has power over danger, like the storm on the sea...He walked on those waves and could still them like a whipped pup!  It was the water His disciples feared the most, and so Jesus showed them that He had power over that which they feared the was just a sidewalk upon which He could come to them in their hour of need.  And the storms of this life which seem over our head are under His feet!

And Jesus has power over death!  Death may knock us down, but it cannot knock us out!  Just as 'up from the grave He arose', up from the grave we shall rise as well.


Oh death where is thy victory, Oh grave where is thy sting?!  God taunts death, for He is life!  It's like death was mouthing off to Jesus and He popped it in the mouth and said, what have you got to say now?  Not so tough are you?  Looks like your mouth likes to write checks your body can't cash!


Jesus has the last word, and when He says in v. 4 that this sickness is not unto death, He reminds us that death is not the end of the story!


v. 4  "...but for the glory of God."  Jesus could have healed Lazarus before He died.  He chose not to.  Why?  It was an opportunity for God to receive more glory!


And this is why Jesus could say Lazarus is dead and I am glad...not because he was dead and there was much heartbreak, but glad to have the opportunity work the miracle, to be glorified, and for others to believe and be saved! [v. 15]


Now, what kind of heartache, suffering, and sacrifice are you willing to accept gladly, if you know it will result in God getting more glory?


Most of us, myself included, are more concerned with our personal comfort than God's glory.  We say we want God to be glorified, but not necessarily at our expense. 


When Paul was given that thorn in the flesh for the glory of God, his next sentence was:  Most gladly therefore will I accept this. 


Their suffering, their Savior  [conclusion next week]


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Lazarus is Dead, and I am Glad, pt. 2

John 11



What a startling statement by Jesus!


Their Suffering

1.     Dearness.

Nearness and dearness to Jesus doesn't make us immune to suffering.  Could Jesus have prevented Lazarus from becoming sick?  Of course.  But it was allowed for the glory of God [v. 4]

2.     Delay.

Are you patiently waiting for God in some area?  Remember, His delays are not necessarily denials.  He is sometimes early, but never late!


And this is why Jesus could say Lazarus is dead and I am glad...not because he was dead and there was much heartbreak, but glad to have the opportunity work the miracle, to be glorified, and for others to believe and be saved! [v. 15]


Now, what kind of heartache, suffering, and sacrifice are you willing to accept gladly, if you know it will result in God getting more glory?


Their sorrow.

Imagine how devastated Mary and Martha are when Lazarus stops breathing and goes limp in their arms.  They had called for Jesus, they had waited for Him to walk thru the door, and now it's over...too late!  They thought it was over.  They were expecting the Good Shepherd to waltz thru the door and tenderly pick up His little lamb, and instead, the grim reaper walks in! 


They bury him, more days go by, and THEN Jesus walks in.  Oh, it's you!  They know He cares about their brother, but now they are grief stricken.  What must go thru their minds?  Would it make them feel a little better to give Him a guilt trip?


What they don't know yet is that with God, the impossible becomes possible!  Even death bows to Him.  It's not too late...and death is not the end of the story!


ill.--remember when the children of Israel were fleeing Egypt and hit a dead end at the Red Sea?  Mountains were on both sides, the sea ahead, and Pharaoh and his armies were right behind them, and they had nowhere to go, their backs were against the wall.  They prepared to die, and then God did the impossible, and parted the waters.  It was a miracle beyond their wildest dreams.  Man's extremities are God's opportunities, and God can make a way when there seems to be no way. 


"Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?

Got any mountains you can't tunnel through?

God does the things you thought were impossible.

He does the things that others can't do."


Remember now, how different Martha and Mary are. 

v. 20  Martha is impulsive, and Mary is contemplative. 


Martha has a few things she's been waiting to say to Jesus, now that she hears He is close by.

v. 21        I think we can all imagine the tone with which Martha says this, with her hand on her hip.  "Look who finally decided to show up...if it isn't the Lord of the world!"  I think she had some anger to let out.


Now, how many of you men can tell from a distance when you ought to keep your distance?  I have a feeling that the disciples fell back a little and said, Jesus, you go ahead, we'll wait here.  Ever been there guys?  Can I get a witness?  Some of you guys are sitting next to your wife and you're too cowardly to say Amen! 


Notice the tug of war in Martha's heart.

v. 22        The tone changes sharply.  She is moving between sorrow and hope.  Her anger is mingled with faith, and she wants to believe Jesus can still do something. 


Remember now, we're the same way.  We bounce back and forth like pinballs between sorrow and hope, and anger and faith.  Emotions swirl.  Deep down we know the truth, but we can't help how we feel. 


In the tug of war in your heart, I pray that faith wins the victory!


Their Savior

vv. 38-44a       Jesus had them roll the stone.  Couldn't He have done that, while He was working miracles anyway?  Jesus again wants human involvement, like He did back in chapter 2 with His first miracle, the water into wine.  He had them first fill the water pots.  Remember, God rarely does what only He can do until we do first what we can do.  They could get water, but they couldn't turn it into wine.  They could roll the stone, but they couldn't raise Lazarus.  The same happened with the feeding of the five thousand.  Jesus had them fetch a little food.  Now, if He can create enough for the multitude, couldn't He make the first portion too?


We're not good for much, but just a little mustard seed of faith is all that is required to move mountains in God's economy!  The disciples can't make something out of nothing, but they can fetch a little boys and his lunch.


Jesus breaks the bread and it multiplies into huge piles.  Then Jesus has the disciples deliver it to each one.  I gotta tell you, it would have been all the more incredible of a miracle if Jesus had gone 'poof' and made each person's plate suddenly appear in their laps...but it's the principle of personal involvement!  Are you personally involved?  Are you doing that which is least w/ your finances, such as tithing, and being a good steward of the other 90% of God's money?  God won't do for you what only HE can do until He sees if you are willing to do what YOU can do.


The irony:  You flip on so called "Christian Television" and you see them talking about financial miracles...and a lot of desperate people are on there because they need a miracle.  There's some health and wealth, prosperity preacher offering to pray over some guy a prayer of debt cancellation.  And yet he's the one who went out and bought more house than he knew could afford, put his furniture on credit, and blown money on everything his heart desires, and now he's wanting a preacher to lay hands on him, snap his fingers, say a word, bop him in the head, blow in his face, and cancel his debt. 

        Could it be there may be some things God wants this individual to learn before He swoops in and saves the day?

4 Financial Principles:

·       Priority--putting God first.

Proverbs 3:9
Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:

God is waiting for us to put Him first in our finances.  He wants for us to do what we can do before He does something that only He can do.

Malachi 3:10
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

·       Industry--working hard. [not hardly working]

Proverbs 20:4
The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.

Too many people are itching for things they aren't willing to scratch for.

·       Generosity--giving above the tithe.

Luke 6:38
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

We can handle our finances with an open hand or a clinched fist.  God blesses the open hand of generosity!

·       Responsibility--being a good steward.

Proverbs 27:23-24
23 Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds.
24 For riches are not for ever: and doth the crown endure to every generation?
You ought to know where you are at financially.  You need a budget, and the top line should be God! 

Another example:  We all want God to grow our church, amen?  And we all know it has to be HIM who does it right?  But could He be waiting for us to do what we can do?  Can we expect Him to just 'make it happen' if we aren't visiting, inviting, praying, and working ... doing what we can do?  How exciting it would be if we would all take personal responsibility and initiative with what is in our power to do, and then we are allowed to sit back and enjoy watching God do what only He can do!


GROW - God rewards our work!


Jesus said, you guys roll away the stone...something they could do.  Then Jesus did what only He could do, and raised Lazarus from the dead!  And good thing Jesus addresses him by name, and said 'LAZARUS, come forth', or every corpse in that graveyard would have burst out of the ground!


And like Lazarus, if you are saved, you too are Jesus' friend!  The resurrection applies to you as well.  One difference, Lazarus died again years later.  He came out of that initial tomb in his former body, not his permanent, glorified body like we will one the likeness of Christ, to never die again.


Every human will be resurrected, not just the Christians.  Question is, which resurrection will you be a part of?


Daniel 12:2
And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

Revelation 20:6
Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power...

Revelation 20:14-15

14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.


"Well, you're just a hell fire, damnation preacher."  Guilty.

"You're just trying to scare me."  If you're not saved, you ought to be scared.  This book is scary, but it also has the answers if we'll face it honestly.  I'd rather scare you into heaven than be guilty of lulling you into hell.


Death is not the end.  You will be raised.  Death is not annihilation, but separation unto something else.  What will it be for you?


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