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"There's no place like this place anywhere near this place!"


To God be the glory! We've had so many get saved and more than 200 baptisms [click for video] since Pastor Shirley came in 2002.  And many families are finding a home at GBC.  Dozens have joined Grace just this year, and we see God sending many more great people to help fulfill His plan in Decatur and 'fill this place up' row by row.


"Souls are being saved, lives are being changed, and YOU are being invited to come and be a part of it all!"


"The vision of the people for this place is contagious, and everyone here believes God is just beginning...He's laying the foundation for some big plans He has for this place!"

"The past has passed - It's not where you are at, it's which way you are heading and how you are getting there!"
Just 34 people voted our Pastor in on his 31st birthday at the end of 2001, and God has been good to once again use this church for His glory to reach many more souls for His kingdom.  Many people who know what to look for in a church are getting in on the "ground floor" of the great things God is preparing this spiritual family for!
Grace Baptist Church extends a warm welcome to you and your family. We invite you to come and experience the spirit of revival, the excitement of enthusiasm, and the power of unity. This Independent Baptist congregation is undergoing a movement of God's hand which is all too rare in these last days.
The church has done a lot of growing of late, and decisions continue on a regular basis.  GBC has so many new / young people it feels like a "baby church" that's just getting started.  But how many new churches have a beautiful building in a prime location "just given to them"?
We are not a high-class church, but we believe in doing things first class for God's glory. Our conservative message is amplified by our progressive methods. GBC is the old-fashioned, gospel centered church made relevant to a modern world in need of the Savior.  We believe that "the main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing."  We don't major on the minors, but focus on Christ, the Gospel, and discipleship of believers.
You will be challenged by the uncompromised preaching of the Word of God, and moved to worship by the dynamic music ministered in our services. I believe you will find the programs and facilities of GBC to be first class, as well. From Sunday School to countless ministry opportunities, from children's ministries and an all new youth ministry to a new 21st century nursery, and from newly remodeled parking to spacious restrooms and a modern worship center, I believe you will find GBC to be a place for the whole family to put down spiritual roots. Come and grow with us at GBC!

Take our "VirtualVisitor" guided tour.  See what others are saying about us.  See what we believe.